ADITL album


"A Day in the Life of a Child: Musical Revue" Songs



Below is a list and description of some of the songs in the A Day in the Life of a Child album. The songs included in A Day in the Life of a Child: Musical Revue are shown in blue. The show has four additional songs not included below - Music for Life, In My Room, Dance (an interactive song), and Mr. Moon.

R star To hear the individual songs, click here

O star To download the A Day in the Life of a Child album or individual songs, click here





Saying Hi - A cheerful song to help children with social skills

Saying Hi (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


I'm Glad that We're All Different - This song embraces the uniqueness of us all

I'm Glad that We're All Different (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


Lunchtime - This song addresses the angst children often feel over the noise and crowds in the lunchroom and offers calming solutions


Just What I'm Feeling - A song that helps children to understand and interpret facial expressions and emotions

Just What I'm Feeling (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


The One I Love Most, a lullaby - A comforting bedtime lullaby helping children to feel safe and loved





Waking Up & What to Wear - This song helps children to learn how to select clothes to wear which are weather-appropriate

Waking Up & What to Wear (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


I Have to Get Dressed - A song that follows the sequence of getting dressed in the morning


Tie My Shoe - A song that teaches how to tie a shoe


Everybody Run Run - This is a fun movement song to facilitate coordination and following directions

Everybody Run Run (Teaching Version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


All My Things Have a Place to Go - This is a cleanup song which helps children to learn where to put their belongings

All My Things Have a Place to Go (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


Bath Time - A song that teaches children bathtime safety and how to wash oneself

Bath Time (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts


Brush Your Teeth - This song teaches children how to brush their teeth





Ma Ma Ma - A fun song about animals which facilitates early language development

Ma Ma Ma (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts

Willa Walla Kangaroo
- A fun, nonsense-word song for language facilitation

Willa Walla (Teaching version) - Slower tempo with teacher's prompts





I Wish the Noise Would Stop - Through soft, repetitive playing of many of the everyday sounds that children find upsetting, this song helps desensitize children to these overwhelming noises

I Wish the Noise Would Stop (Sound effects)



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O star To learn more about A Day in the Life of a Child: Musical Revue , go to Summary

P star For information about past performance of A Day in the Life of a Child: Musical Revue, go to Past Performances

G star To learn more about our Songs for Skills Library, go to Information About Music

R star For information about our music for children with special needs, go to Special Needs and Water Safety





© Magical Music For Life Foundation
E-mail: | Phone: 203-966-1781
P.O. Box 804, New Canaan, CT 06840